Coding Project Highlights

Technologies Used:

  • React
  • Drag and Drop API
  • Web Share API

SCREENPRINT DESIGNER is a tool for prototyping design ideas onto t-shirt templates. Users can upload their own images and place them onto various t-shirt templates. Ability to adjust sizing and placement as desired. Choose between the various options for manipulating your design. This tool also has a feature for sharing your final design with friends (available on browsers that support this feature, such as Safari).

Technologies Used:

  • React
  • Redux
  • Mapbox GL

EAST BAY TAKEOUT is a site that maps restaurants open for business during the start of the 2020 COVID-19 shelter-in-place mandate. Search restaurant's by name or filter by cuisine type. This project was a collaboration between Matthew Lopez and Sharon Paz.

Technologies Used:

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • SCSS

SCREENPRINT BREAKDOWN is a visualizer that displays each color of an actual screenprinted design. Toggle each color to see what each layer will look like. The order that the buttons are pushed will affect how the colors are layered on the right side of the visualizer.

Technologies Used:

  • Mapbox.JS
  • GeoJSON
  • JavaScript

TRAVEL BLOG highlighting landmarks in China using Mapbox.JS, where users can click on map markers to find out fun facts on each destination based on geoJSON data.

Technologies Used:

  • React
  • Next.js
  • Contentful CMS

REACT PORTFOLIO SITE, this very site that you are currently viewing is a refactored version of my original portfolio site. This refactored version is built using React and Next.js framework. All of the content and images are being stored through Contentful CMS and deployed using Vercel.